Wednesday, January 7, 2009

P.S. Your Cat Is Dead

The above title is a really great book, and also the reason I am writing today. My roommate's cat, Pepsi, was 19 years old when her liver failed. She died yesterday at 3:30 p.m., and was buried under an apple tree. Because the ground was frozen, a drill had to be bought to officially place our beloved kitty underground in her final resting place. I love her, and will miss her. I'm staring at a scratch she left on my hand as she tried to get air. This sucks, and I want to rewind time. I want things back the way they were even more badly than when my roommate and I broke up. Blah. I'm going to go take some Advil and hopefully cheer up by the 3:00 break. Need more sugar. Goodbye, Pepsi.


pisceswolf said...

I'm really very sorry. I do know what it feels like to lose a very dear pet. If you want a hug, I'm full of them and am sure I can arrange it :)

Moriyina Elizabeth said...

sorry for your loss